Thank you for visiting our Qtrac Knowledge Base library. We hope the below article will assist you.
Based on your search, it looks like you are trying to Activate and use Priority Rules feature.
In order to accomplish this, please follow these steps:
Permissions Required:
Roles | Queue Views |
Step 1: Once you are logged in the Qtrac application, click on Manage at the top right corner
Step 2: On the left Settings section click on Workflows
Step 3: Once you know which Workflow you want to create the Queue Priorities at, click on the three dots and go to Edit
Step 4: Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, and you will see the last option on the left menu called Priority Rules. Click on it
Step 5: Enable the Priority Rules by clicking on the checkbox
Step 6: Click Add Priority Rule at the top right corner of the page
Step 7: Choose a Priority Rule Name
Step 8: Choose the When Condition from one of the available options by clicking on the dropdown
Step 9: You can add secondary conditions like answer to specific question or anything from the available dropdown options
Step 10: Choose the Priority Level by entering number
Note: This feature is designed to work with basic digits, where 1 is the highest priority, and customers with that priority level will always be prioritized at the front of the Virtual Queue.
Step 11: Once you have defined your Queue Priority triggers and actions, Click Save
Step 12: If you ever want to edit already created Priority Rule, simply click on the little pencil icon next to the rule and do the change needed. Once you modify it simply save it again.
Step 13: Make sure you publish the workflow change once you have created the Priority Rules
To learn more about how this actually works and looks in the Virtual Queue Please check out this article:
How do Priority Rules work (Practical Example)?
If you still have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our Qtrac Help Desk.
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