Thank you for visiting our Qtrac Knowledge Base library. We hope the below article will assist you.
Based on your search, it looks like you are trying to enable Windows Notifications for Qtrac In-App Notifications.
In order to accomplish this, please follow these steps on Windows 11:
Step 1: In your PC search bar, type "Notifications"
Step 2: In the Settings section, click "Notifications & actions"
Step 3: Click the toggle button to turn on your notifications.
Check the "Allow notifications to play sounds" if you would like to receive Windows sound alerts.
HINT: depending on the Windows version these settings might look slightly different. Here is the look on Windows 10:
Also make sure the individual dongle for the browser that you use is enabled. These settings also offer you optional blocking from all unnecessary notifications from different applications on your computer.
Step 4: Once you have enabled the Windows alerts, the pop-up triggered by the advanced rules will shown at the bottom right corner of your screen. Example:
You have now enabled Windows alerts for Qtrac!
If you still have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our Qtrac Help Desk.
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- How do I add new location hours?
- How do I activate Book Queued Customers Feature
- How to enable Windows Notifications for Qtrac In-App Notifications
- How to Activate / Enable Qtrac Notifications in our Qtrac Configuration
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