Data field styles allow you to create your own custom labels and add formatting to certain field types.
To get started, create a new report, or click to edit an existing one. If you do not have any data fields yet, add a few to use as data points.
Expand your Table Fields or Group Fields and click on the “Style” tab. You will see new entry fields, called “Column Label” and “Format”. Column Label allows you to change the header text for this field and Format allows you to customize how certain data is displayed. For this example, we will be using the “Check-in Time” field.
Let’s start with the column labels! In the text field, type in “Arrival Time”, click “Apply”, then run your new report.
You will see that our column header has now updated to say, “Arrival Time”! Now, we’ll try editing the format style.
In the examples above, our Check-in Time reads ‘Mon, 20 Nov 2023 09:44:34 AM’. That can be more information than we need so let’s just keep the month, day, and time. To do this, type “MMM dd, HH:mm” into the Format text field.
Click “Apply” and run your report. Our new time should now ready “Nov 20, 09:44”!
Some other available formats that you can se are these:
MM/dd/yyyy — Standard U.S. format.
dd/MM/yyyy — European format.
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm — U.S. format with time.
dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm — European format with time.
yyyy-MM-dd — ISO format.
dd-MM-yyyy — Alternate format used in various regions.
Additionally, all labels and formatting styles will be automatically applied to your exported reports. If you need assistance on how to export a report, follow this link here: How to export an Insight?
If you still have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our Qtrac Help Desk.
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