Insights - Data Dictionary Insights - Data Dictionary

Insights - Data Dictionary

Alek Alek

Our Insights feature offers multiple Data Fields as an option. Most of them are generic and are used by most of our Qtrac customers. Some of the Data Fields are unique and used only by one customer. We call these Data Fields a Self-Defined Service Questions.  In the Insights selection for Data Fields all of them will be available. The unique ones for your company and the generic Data Fields as well.
However not every customer is fully familiar with the meaning of all generic Data Fields. Because of that we have created this Data Dictionary that explains in detail what does each of the Data Fields present:

Available Fields Description
All Services (Transfers Merge) All services for transferred customers in a single record (instead of 1 record per service which is the default)
Appointment Notification Email The email address which the customer opted to be notified by when booking an appointment
Appointment Notification SMS The phone number which the customer opted to be notified by when booking an appointment
Assigned Branches The assigned set of locations that the associate record contains
Associate Alert Email The email added in the alert field within the associate's record
Associate Alert SMS The phone number added in the alert field within the associate's record
Associate Display Name The display name of the associate
Associate Email The login email address of the associate
Associate First Name The first name of the associate
Associate Last Name The last name of the associate
Associate Login Count (30 Days) How many times an associate has logged into Qtrac in the last 30 days
Associate Login Count (60 Days) How many times an associate has logged into Qtrac in the last 60 days
Associate Login Count (90 Days) How many times an associate has logged into Qtrac in the last 90 days
Associate Notes The set of team notes added to the customer record
Associate Status If the associate is active, inactive or deleted
Behavior Category Whether the customer interaction was normal or abnormal
Behavior Observation If the customer interaction behavior was abnormal, Qtrac's observation is noted in this field automatically 
Booking Check-In Date The date (not time, date only) the customer checked into their appointment
Booking Check-In Time The time (not date, time only) the customer checked into their appointment
Booking Creation Date/Time The date and time (both) the customer checked into their appointment
Booking Date The date (not time, date only) the customer booked their appointment for
Booking Selected Language The language the customer booked their appointment for
Booking Status The status of the appointment and whether it is upcoming, rescheduled, cancelled or checked in
Booking Time The time (not date, time only) the customer booked their appointment for
Brand ID ID of Brand the location is a part of (if applicable)
Brand Name Name of Brand the location is a part of (if applicable)
Call Source (Associate) The display name of the associate that called the customer for service
Call Time (Minutes) Time between calling and serving of customer (in minutes)
Called At Desk Desk that called the customer for service
Check in Date The date (not time, date only) the customer checked into their appointment or walked into the queue
Check in Date/Time The date and time (both) the customer checked into their appointment or walked into the queue
Check in Time The time (not date, time only) the customer checked into their appointment or walked into the queue
Company ID Qtrac's internal ID for the company
Confirmation Number The confirmation number of the booked customer appointment
Confirmed Booking Whether the customer has confirmed their appointment or not
Creation Date The date the associate record was added to the system
Creator Of Associate Record Who created the associate record
Customer Engagement Score (Qtrac) A proprietary engagement score that calculates how engaged a customer is between 50 and 100 (how frequently they visit, etc.)
Customer Messages The set of messages engaged between the customer and associate during the customer's journey
Customer Number Ticket number of the customer
Customer Registration Source How the customer joined the Queue (Kiosk, mobile, etc.)
Customer Tag SELF-DEFINED Tags added to a customer record through their journey
Customer Type Whether the customer was a walk-in or appointment customer
Customer Visit Journey Customer's journey in the Queue (joined, transferred, served, etc.)
Days Since Last Visit How many days has it been since this customer came in last
Early Booking Check In (Minutes) How many minutes early did the customer check-in to their appointment
End Of Day Source (Associate) Which associate ran the "End Of Day" action in the Queue if a customer was removed by End Of Day
Externally Managed Associate Whether the associate is managed by an external user feed or not
First Call Time The time (in branch time) that the customer was called, if called multiple times then this is the first time
General Questions SELF-DEFINED questions that a company asks a customer during registration, General Questions are asked across all services
Has Any Comments Whether a customer record contains associate notes or not
Has Survey Answers Whether a customer has survey answers in their record or not
Kiosk IDs The IDs of the Kiosks at a location
Known Customer Whether this company in unknown to Qtrac, known to the company, or known to the company and location
Last Associate Login Time Timestamp of the last time an associate has logged into Qtrac
Last Associate Logout Time Timestamp of the last time an associate has logged out of Qtrac
Last Call Time If a customer was called for service multiple times, then this is the last time (in branch time)
Last Edit Of Associate Record Timestamp of the last time an associate record was edited
Late Booking Check In (Minutes) How many minutes late did the customer check-in to their appointment
Location City Code City of the location
Location Contact First Name First name of location contact
Location Country Code Country of the location
Location External ID External ID of the location (one of the fields in the location record, used for integrations)
Location Friendly Name Friendly name of the location (one of the fields in the location record, can be used instead of or as well as location name)
Location ID Qtrac's internal ID for the location
Location Name Name of the location
Location Phone Number Phone number of the actual location (not Qtrac's phone number)
Location Schedule Which schedule template (Hours Of Operation) the location is currently assigned to
Location State Code State of the location
Location Status Whether the location is active, inactive or deleted
Location Street Address Street address of the location
Location Tags If the location has any tags assigned to it, they will be listed in this field
Location Zip The zip code of the location
Monitor IDs The IDs of the Monitors at a location
Number Of Calls Number of times an associate called a customer for service
Number Of Previous Visits Number of times a customer came in previously
Question Sets All If you have multiple service questions with the same question name, Question Sets All will combine those fields into 1 column
Queue ID Qtrac's internal ID for the queue
Queue Name Name of the Queue the customer joined
Queue Priority Queue Priority number the customer was assigned to during their journey
Removal Source (Associate) Which associate removed the customer from the Queue
Selected Language The language the visitor selected during registration
Serve Source (Associate) The display name of the associate who served the customer
Serve Sources (Transfer Merge) All associates who served transferred customers in a single record (instead of 1 record per associate which is the default)
Service End/Abandon Date The date (not time, date only) the customer either completed or abandoned service
Service End/Abandon Date/Time The date and time (both) the customer either completed or abandoned service
Service ID Qtrac's internal ID for the service
Service Name Name of the service the customer joined for
Service Outcome The selected outcome after the customer's service
Service Outcome Class Whether the selected outcome was Positive, Neutral or Negative
Service Questions SELF-DEFINED questions that a company asks a customer during registration, service questions are service-specific questions
Service Start Time The date and time (both) the customer started service (in branch time)
Service Time (Minutes)  The amount of time the customer's service took (in minutes)
SMS Phone Number Phone number assigned to the location (from Qtrac's side)
Supported Languages The languages that the location supports
Survey Questions SELF-DEFINED questions that a company asks a customer after registration and are saved with the customer record
Total Call Time (Transfers Merge) The combined call time of all services for transferred customers in a single record (instead of 1 record per service which is the default)
Total Service Time (Transfers Merge) The combined service time of all services for transferred customers in a single record (instead of 1 record per service which is the default)
Total Time in Queue (Minutes) The amount of time between check-in until end of service (in minutes)
Total Time in Queue (Transfers Merge) The combined total time of all services for transferred customers in a single record (instead of 1 record per service which is the default)
Total Wait Time (Transfers Merge) The combined wait time of all services for transferred customers in a single record (instead of 1 record per service which is the default)
Transferred Customer Whether this customer has been transferred or not
Unique Booking ID Qtrac's unique ID for each and every appointment
Unique Customer ID Qtrac's unique ID for each and every customer record
User Role The role that the associate record is assigned to
Visit Outcome Final State that the customer ended their service in (served, abandoned, etc.)
Wait Time (Minutes) The amount of time the customer waited between check-in and being called for service (in minutes)
Workflow ID Qtrac's internal ID for the workflow
Workflow Name The name of the workflow used for the customer interaction


If you still have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our Qtrac Help Desk.