How to update an existing Insight Report How to update an existing Insight Report

How to update an existing Insight Report

Alek Alek

In this article we will show you how easy is to update and re-save existing Insight report.

If you need to make any specific changes on one of your existing reports once you have the updates on the Data Fields or in the Filters simply click Update and type the name you want to save it under. Since this Insight report was previously saved the previous existing name will pop-up. You can keep it or simply rename it to anything you want. This is shown on this little presentation:


Updating an existing Insight.gif

Step 1: Go to Insights

Step 2: Hover the mouse over the three dots next to the Insight report you would like to update

Step 3: Select Edit from the drop down options

Step 4: Do the necessary changes on the report by updating Data Fields or Filters.

Step 5: Click Update and a pop-up will be shown with Update Configuration option. Here you can update the name or keep it same as previously saved.

Step 6: Click Update


If you still have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our Qtrac Help Desk.